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Why You Should Stop Drinking Soda

It's 2020, so I think we all know by now how bad soda is for our health. Even though we may know it, it's not the easiest habit to break. Trust me I've been there and I'm not throwing any judgement at all! Code Red Mountain Dew was my weakness. I would have at least 1 a day and I NEVER drank water. Now I don't ever crave a soda and almost all I drink is water.

If I can do it, I know I can help you do it, too!

I think one of the most important steps to this is to learn why soda is bad and what it actually does to our health. Knowledge is power!

The Ingredients:

Knowing the ingredients of anything you consume is the most important thing to know in my opinion. I know some people only care about the calories and macros (like I used to) but the ingredients are what really matter to our health.

This is the ingredients list of Mountain Dew. Almost everything on this list is super harmful to our bodies such as high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is in all sodas and we should be avoiding this ingredient as much as we can. It increases your risk of fatty liver, obesity, weight gain, diabetes, chronic inflammation, other diseases, and even cancer. I go more in depth with the ingredients list of soda on my guide.

The Sugar:

We also all know that too much sugar is bad for us, and can cause health problems and weight gain. Per 12 oz of soda, Mountain Dew contains 46g of sugar, Pepsi 41g, Orange 43g, and Dr Pepper 39g. This is all between 3-4 tablespoons of sugar in ONE can.

The Acid:

Soda contains phosphoric acid which is known to interfere with the bodies ability to absorb calcium. This can lead to bone softening and cavities. This acid also can harm your stomach acid and cause your body to not properly absorb nutrients.

The Caffeine:

Soda is added caffeine that we tend to get too much of.  Caffeine dehydrates you so if you are barely drinking water and drink soda, tea, and coffee all day, you aren't hydrating your body.  Too much caffeine can cause certain cancers, irregular heart beat, breast lumps, high BP, and more.

I could go on, but I think we all get the point by now. Soda does damage to your health, so why are we still willing to consume it? Our body is trying so hard to keep us healthy and alive, so lets try to show it some grace in 2020 and give it more water and less soda!

It's going to be hard

Soda is designed to be addictive and like a drug to our brains. There is a reason why it feels impossible to quit, but you can do it! You may experience some headaches and caffeine withdrawals but if you just push through them and use my guide, they will go away and you wont want to go back!

It's going to be worth it

I PROMISE your body will thank you for cutting this habit and it will be oh so worth it. Some possible benefits of going soda-free and drinking more water: weight loss, better sleep, better dental health, less sugar cravings, lowered risk for heart health and diabetes, you will feel better, and be overall healthier.


Hopefully by now you are really serious about wanting to finally give up soda in 2020! You may be wondering where to start and what to do, and that's what i'm here for! I have created a guide just for YOU to help you crush your goal of going soda-free and I can't wait for you to get your hands on it!

This guide is 13 pages long and packed with all the information you need! You will learn more in depth why soda is bad for you, if diet soda is better, the right way to cut it out, tips and tricks to help, and how to drink more water. This is a long term lifestyle change that actually works and will have lasting results as long as you put in the effort. This guide has an option for a 6 week plan to weening off soda and you can customize it to fit your personal lifestyle. I truly think this will help you reach your goal this year and I can't wait to see you succeed! This guide will be on sale for only $5 for the New Years all throughout January and then starting February it will be $10. Let me know if you have any questions!

Happy New Year! :)


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